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Net Metering Pakistan

Net Metering in Pakistan

Why Net Metering Pakistan?

net metering

Net metering in Pakistan
 is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system proprietors for the power they add to the grid. For instance, if a private client has a PV framework, it might create more power than the home uses amid sunlight hours. If the house is net-metered, the power meter will run in reverse to give a credit against what power is used around evening time or different periods where the home’s power utilize surpasses the system’s yield. Clients are only charged for their “net” energy utility. The advanced digital meter keeps running in both bearings to accommodate power generated at the customer’s home. Net metering permits clients to produce their power effectively and efficiently.


Net Metering Technology

Net Metering In Pakistan

ca net metering

A bi-directional electricity meter is integrated with the hybrid or on-grid solar panels for net metering. These Solar Panels must be attached with a three-phase electricity connection to inject and offset the excessive energy to the national grid. You get credits against the amount of energy you sell to the grid. You can use the credits to get free electricity units.

What is net metering and how does it work?

solar net metering
Net metering is an electric billing tool that uses the electric grid to store excess energy produced by your solar panel system. Under net metering, energy your solar panels produce and you don’t use is credited back to you. On a cloudy or rainy day when your panels aren’t producing enough energy, the utility grid will feed your home energy, and count that energy against the credits you’ve banked over time. As a solar customer, you will only be billed for your “net” energy usage. Also known as net energy metering or NEM, net metering is the solar industry’s foundational policy.

How does net metering work?

Say you install a net metered solar panel system. When your solar panels are producing more electricity than you are using at any point during the day, the electricity is sent back to the grid, running your electric meter in reverse. When you use more electricity than your solar panels are producing, either at night or on cloudy days, you pull electricity back from the grid, running your meter forwards. At the end of the month or year, you are billed the net amount of what you put onto the grid and what you took off the grid: hence “net metering”.

With a correctly sized solar energy system, you can produce enough electricity to match your home’s electricity use for the entire year. However, the amount of electricity your solar panels produce will vary throughout the year: more in sunnier summer months, and less when the sun is lower in the sky and sets earlier in the winter. Net metering helps you to account for these seasonal differences in solar production by crediting you for the excess electricity your panels produce so that you can use it at a later date.

Net Metering in Pakistan

The net metering system in Pakistan is relatively a new concept which is highly beneficial for solar system owners. As the country is blessed with ample sunlight, solar panels generate more electricity in the day than our need, this excessive energy will be of no use if a net metering compliant solar system has not been installed on your rooftop. But if you have the said facility, you can sell this additional amount of electricity to the grid and can earn electricity units in the monthly bill. Net metering is a new yet legal practice in the country as NEPRA had issued regulations about it a few years back. Whether you are a domestic or commercial consumer, net metering will be equally advantageous.

The following guidelines explain the trends in state and utility net metering measures:

Installation of Solar System:

The first and the foremost step is to get your Premier Energy Net metering compliant solar system installed. Premier Group successfully caters to all three sectors of domestic, commercial, and industrial clients. We excel in the provision of the small-scale domestic system as 1kva to multi-megawatts industrial systems.

Preparation of Application:

The second step begins with the preparation of application as per the rules of SRO 892 (1) 2015. This process is made easier and smooth for our valued clients by supporting them on each & every step of application preparation for a solar net metering system in Pakistan.

Inspection & NOC issuance:

The approval of the application will lead to the phase of inspection carried out by the Energy Department. The electrical inspection team will inspect the system as per SRO 892(1)/2015 & SOP from LESCO. After the satisfactory inspection of the system, you’ll be issued NOC.

Signing of Agreement:

This significant step will be the signing of a three years agreement between the Distributor Generator (Consumer) and LESCO. This will be a legal agreement allowing you to feed surplus energy to the national grid.

Allotment of Generation License:

The agreement signed between you and LESCO will be handed over to NEPRA for a generation License. Once the legal agreement is verified by the ruling body, it will allow you to be an independent power producer for the next three years.

Activation of Net Mete:

The last but not the least step involves LESCO in making you the independent power-producing authority. After the successful allotment of the generation license, your net meter will be activated making you able to save & earn simultaneously.

Cost of Net Metering System In Pakistan

Net Metering Pakistan
net metering program

The net metering cost in Pakistan varies for users depending upon the type and size of the system. The price for industrial customers is higher than the price for residential customers because of the difference in the size of the projects. For residential customers, the net metering price in Pakistan depends upon two factors. The price of the meter remains the same however, the price varies depending upon the documentation and process charges which are dependent upon the project size. Premier Energy helps you apply for net metering with ease and helps you get reasonable net metering rates in Pakistan.

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